What's the right way to deal with your waste water?

Industrial water production has been a problem for centuries, but it is only comparatively recently that businesses have been encouraged to minimise their industrial water production and to recycle their waste water back into the production process.

Industries which produce waste water can be found in the chemicals, food and mining industries, and in the production of electricity, oil and steel. Each of these industries will introduce different contaminants into the water but the end result is the same. It doesn't matter whether the contamination is pesticides, detergents, animal fats or organic waste such as blood and guts from a slaughterhouse, a large amount of water will need to be treated before it can be used elsewhere.

Treating your waste water

If you work in a business that is responsible for industrial water production, then you must take steps to ensure that all your waste water is dealt with appropriately. The correct treatment for your waste water will depend on the nature of the contamination.

The majority of solids can be removed from waste water through sedimentation, which leaves the contaminants behind in a sludge or slurry. In the case of small particles, it may be necessary to apply filtration or even ultrafiltration if the particles are close to the density of the water.

Brine treatment is often used to remove dissolved salt ions from waste water; the purpose of the treatment is either to maximise the recovery of fresh water or to reduce the volume of the waste water and make final disposal more economical. One of the most common ways for this process to take place is through evaporatio,n as this will produce the highest quality of purity at the end of the process.

If you are dealing with oil or grease pollution, then you will need to employ separator technology to remove the pollution from the water. Some oils can be removed by simply skimming them from the surface of the water, while others will require a higher degree of processing.

There are many other means of dealing with industrial water production and treating the water so that it can be returned to use or disposed of safely. Whether you filter the water or treat it to incinerate the pollutants within the water, it is important to follow the correct procedures for your type of contamination. Why not talk to an expert today and find out if there is a more effective method of treatment available for your industry?

To learn about safe industrial water production, check out websites like jordanair2water.com.
